~ Crystal Dreams ~

~ Spiritual Growth and Healing Center ~

Gardena, CA


We offer a variety of courses.


Help us to learn the best times and dates for us to schedule our workshops. We also want to hear what subjects or classes you would like to see taught at the healing center. There is a form at the bottom of this page. Thank You for your help, Deb

Subscribe to Our Newsletter!

This Newletter is sent a few times a year. Our goal is to send monthly newletters to inform our clients of the classes available in the upcoming month. All information is to remain private. We do not share information with other people or companies. We value your trust. Blessings, Deb


Buy Deb's NEW Guided Meditation CD's Now


Click this line to see other classes ~ Click on EVENTS to see all the classes that we advertise.



Aura Party at Crystal Dreams, - See Details below



Reiki Level 1 Class ~ Sept, pre-reigistration required


Aura Party

Have an Aura Party!

This is a Fun & Enlightening Experience for You and Your Friends. They will talk about it for years to come. Call to schedule your party today. 310-516-0727



This is so much fun. Usually everyone brings a snack to share. We have tea, conversation, sharing with other like minded people,

do readings for each other, play with the Angel Guidance Board and just have fun with a great group of people.

Aura Photos are done at a reduced rate for the party.

Photo & brief description 2 or 3 pgs for 20.00.

Long Report @7-8 pages 30.00

The Long Report, with Graphs. This includes detailed chakra information and photo of your chakras as well @17 pages 45.00

Come join us for a good time with great people. Feel free to drop in and say hello and check out the new side of our healing center.


Ear Coning Course

Learn how to do an ear coning.

10:00-12:00, 60.00 Each person gets to practice ear coning on a person and receives an ear coning in the class.

call Deb to Rerseve your space now. 310-516-0727




We are updating this website, if a link is not working...please call or e-mail Deb for more details



Meditation Tapes on Sale


Here are a few of the classes we teach. Let us know if you are interested in another subject, we can always invite someone to come in and do a lecture.


Reiki Healing Classes

We teach this both online and in person at the healing center.

If you want you initiation in person but you don't have the time to take a weekend class ask for your initiation in person and take the online course.


Ear Coning Course

Learn how to do an ear coning.


Focus on Crystals

Introduction to Crystal Basics - cleansing and programming your crystals

Crystals and Chakras

Using Crystals for Healing

Crystals and their Healing Energies

How to use a Pendulum

Blessing and Protecting your Home

Prosperity and Creating Abundance

Making Your Own Ceremonial Rattle

How to Make a Dream Catcher

Chakra Clearing

Color Therapy

Communicating with Angels



Increase Your Psychic Awareness

Dream Interpretation

Blessing and Protecting your Home


Shielding and Setting Boundaries

Communicating with Angels

Psychic Protection

Practicing Reiki

Childrens Reiki Class

Creating Prosperity & Abundance Workshop (cick here) date to be scheduled, call to rsvp

Finding your Soulmate Class, date to be scheduled, call to rsvp

Angel and Fairy Books We Sell


If you fill out the form below, you will be entered into a drawing for a free course of your choice. A drawing will be held on 1st of each month.

All information remains private!


Your e-mail address:

Your name:

phone number:

Which Courses Sound Interesting to You:

What is the best day of the week for you to attend a class?:

What is the best time of day/night for you to attend a class?:

Other courses/subjects I would like to see taught at the healing center:

Please retype this number "5599":



I am hoping to have some pictures up of the healing center soon.


We are located at:

2913 West 156th Street

Gardena, CA 90249

~*~ directions ~*~


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This web site is a work in progress...I thank you for your patience, and please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Warmly, Deb


Reiki Master Rev. Debbie Reasbeck (310) 516-0727


Links to other Crystal Dream Pages
* Crystal Dreams Home Page*
* What is Reiki? * * Pendulums * *
* Send E-Mail *

Crystal Dreams Spiritual Growth and Healing Center

2913 West 156th Street, Gardena CA 90249
