"List of Charts"
From: The Pendulum Charts, Knowing your intuitive mind
Pendulum Chart Book with 50 different charts
Pendulum Charts
New and Revised Charts. The chartbook used to have 44
charts and now there are 50.
I have found the best pendulum book ever by Dale Olson there are 50 different
laminated cover stock charts which are spiral bound for easy page flipping.
I found it while on a trip in Hawaii and it is the best I have ever seen.
The questions are phrased so that there is little room for error. The more
specific the question, the more accurate the answer will be.
You use the pendulum to get the answers.
Here are the titles of the charts:
Pendulum Language Alphabet/Numeric
- Master Chart
- Yes/No percentage Chart
- Quantity Factor
- Time Factor
- Vitamin Chart
- Essential & Trace Minerals
- Amino Acids
- Tissue Salts
- Food Supplement
- Anti Oxidants
- PH Acid/Alkaline
- Enzymes for Digestion
- Nutrition & Food Allergy
- Allergies . Adverse Effects
- Herbal Remedies I
- Herbal Remedies II
Herbal Remedies III
- Flower Essence Remedies I
- Flower Remedies Essence II
- Systems of the Body
- Glandular (Endocrine) System Condition
- Source of Condition Origin of Dis-ease/Dysfunction
- Healing Remedies Relationship Compatibility
- Personal Motivators What is going on - Emotional body
- Who is involved - their relationship to you What AM I telling Myself?
- How to Change my Life Light & Color Demand
- Chakras Gemstones
- Quartz (silica) Gemstones Metals
- Directions. Degrees. Distance Automobile Diagnosis
- House Inventory Plant . Soil Chart
- Business Decision / Analysis
A sample question from Origin of Dis-ease:
The dis-ease is located in the _______?
The origin of the present condition stems from what part(s)
You can use the Alphabetic chart to find out your Angels or
Guides names. I did this and it was 100 % accurate.

This Newly revised 50 Chart Book is our top seller. $20.95
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